Student loan borrowers could see their payments increase under budget plans currently under discussion by House Republicans, ...
All nine GOP members of the House Rules Committee approved the blueprint to cut at least $1.5 trillion and as much as $2 ...
The House speaker is set to put a budget resolution up for a floor vote on Tuesday but is facing a potential revolt from ...
Trump’s Historically Bad First Month of Polls Should Terrify Republicans. A steady presidential poll slide with a midterm ...
Divisions are growing among the GOP, with an increasing number of holdouts who could prevent House Speaker Mike Johnson from clearing his budget plan on the House floor this week. Newsweek has ...
Some Republicans have raised concerns about potential cuts to anti-poverty programs that their constituents rely on as they ...
The House of Representatives is gearing up to vote on a budget bill, endorsed by President Trump, that would fulfill most of ...
House leaders' reconciliation bill is on thin ice on Monday evening as multiple Republican lawmakers threatened to defect.