In response to a series of tragic dog attacks, San Antonio lawmakers are renewing their push to pass dangerous dog legislation in the 89th legislative session
Rental rates in San Antonio and Austin continue to drop, benefitting tenants as landlords face increasing competition.
El Tigre Coffee Roasters, located at 123 Heisman Street, serves high quality coffee and specialty drinks from lattes, espressos to drip coffee, teas, and more. One of their signature drinks is the mushroom cacao, which reportedly tastes like a chocolate chip cookie.
An impressive number of Austin-area boys high school basketball teams have advanced to the regional semifinals — or in the case of two TAPPS schools, the state tournament — following wins last weekend in the area round.
Thirsty Planet Brewery, maker of the popular Thirsty Goat beer, plans to take over a vacant facility near downtown San Marcos.
The Spurs experience was at the top of the order in Austin. Fans were treated to pop-up shops, free coffee, kids basketball clinics, a celebration of former Longhorns basketball player Kevin Durant, and games against the Pistons and the Suns. And fans also helped break a Moody Center attendance record of 16,246 Silver and Black fans.
The new policy is a shift from the department’s stance earlier in February, as Lottery officials said they had no control over the third-party services.
Kevin Durant, fellow Texas teammate Justin Mason and one of Durant's buddies, Randy Williams, piled out of a Chevy Cavalier
San Antonio’s gas prices have jumped slightly over the past week, climbing 18.3 cents per gallon to settle at an average of $2.74 per gallon, according to GasBuddy’s survey of 886 stations around the city.
Cade Cunningham and Jalen Duren each posted a double-double as the Pistons came out of the NBA All-Star break still hot.